
Showing posts from May, 2014

Doing it the Indian way #Beauty #Skin

So finally, i am very very very free and can blog anytime i want now :-D Left Uni after 4 years and i must tell you, it is not easy when you are attached to so many people there. So yeah, coming back to the title of this post, wanted to share my face mask/face pack ingredients with all of you. I have been using this face mask for quite sometime now (I don't only depend on this, i have my daily creams as well). This face pack is not to make your complexion fairer or whatsoever it is just to get a silky skin and a glowing complexion. It works on me and i am extremely happy with the results. You'll be needing: Sandalwood powder, Kasturi Manjal, Saffron and milk. I also used rose water. Both are fine. Choose either. Let the saffron soak in the milk for about half an hour and you will see the milk turn yellow in colour. Then add in one spoon of sandalwood and turmeric make a paste out of it. Apply around your neck and face and wash it off once it dries off. I use it once everyd