
Showing posts from April, 2015

Grape Nail Art

Hey ladies! It has been a while since i blogged about nail art. So here I am! Was randomly googling about nail art ideas and this grape nails caught my attention so i thought, why not? It is not difficult actually. First, chose a light and dark shade of purple. Paint your nails with the lighter shade and let it dry completely. Remember, two coats and don't forget you base coat as well! Next, use the darker shade of the purple to draw dots in the shape of grapes on your nails. You can use a sewing needle to draw the dots or simply get the 'thing specially to draw the dots" (Not sure what it is called, I got mine from sungai wang.  Then, use a green nail colour to just draw a line on top of your nails, As you can see above. Use a brush. It is neater, And don't forget you top coat! and wala, your Grape Nails are ready! 

Make up #7 [EYES]: Lakme eyeconic kajal in black

Hey ladies, how are you all doing? Well, writing  a review on lakme's eyeconic kajal in black. I have always been a loyal fan of lakme absolute kohl kajal. Have written a review about it as well. They best eyeliner every women must have in their collection. owh well, i am going out of topic. LOL.  Okay. Lakme eyeconic kajal is very intense and creamy it does stay long but not a whole day like absolute kohl kajal. However, the kajal does not fade that much for it to be noticeable unless you go very near to the mirror and stare at it! And there is no need to apply black eyeshadow over your lower lid eyeliner after applying lakme eyeconic kajal because it will not smear.  Rm 17.61 Totally in love with the intense colour. Very suitable for everyday use and it is affordable too! Plus despite using it everyday, lakme eyeconic kajal lasted me for about 6-8 months. I use it only on my lower lid and i like it thick so i apply quite a number of strokes. I bought it from guardian, K