
Showing posts from August, 2020

Feed Your Skin: Water Sleeping Mask #Laneige

This mask deserves a 100/100 points. Kudos to the Korean team who came up with this mask. This a sleeping mask, you have to use this as your last step in your skin care regime and go to sleep. And tadaaa! you will wake up to a fresh, glowing and moisturize skin! It is little bit on the pricey side but it is totally worth it. It can last you up-to few months depending on how often you use it. It is recommended to use 2-3 times a week. I also normally use this mask when i have an important meeting or event the next day or when i feel my skin looks dull. It will make my make up application so easy.  I got the set with the lavender one and the firm sleeping mask. However, i don't like the lavender one. The difference is only the smell. I prefer the original scent. It feels go good.  Definitely a yes for repurchase! (For lifetime). This is a must skincare product for every girl :-)