
Showing posts from November, 2020

Feed Your Skin: Facial Treatment Essence #SK-ii

I was a little hesitant to purchase this because of the price. but after using it i understand why it's this pricey!  I have used few small bottles (10ml) and in the midst of one 75ML bottle. I have more than half a bottle left and i used it daily (night time).  I am very stingy with my usage, i use only 2 to 3 drops which is sufficient enough to cover my whole face and neck. I prefer to use my palm to apply it rather than a facial cotton. I feel i am wasting the essence if i use a facial cotton and i need to apply more drops onto it to cover my whole face. My skin felt very radiant and clear but i saw a difference after a few and consistent usage. I wake up to a glow-y and clear skin. It also makes my skin look smooth and soft. So the key is consistent here! SK-11's formulation is a lightweight liquid that quickly absorbs into the skin and each bottle contains 90% PITERA. I wish they sell it at a cheaper price but it's totally worth it. I have browsed through la