
Showing posts from January, 2013

Pottu. Bindi. Thilak. Teep. Bottu.

What comes to your mind when you hear bindi? yes, that tiny dot. Haha! I love bindi's (punjabi). It also called pottu (Tamil). Well, there are actually many names for it. Bengali's call it teep . Telugu's call it bottu and in hindi is it called thilak . During my recent trip to India i bought about 10 pieces of bindi. 10RS for one. So 10 pieces for 100RS which is MYR 6. Now, that is bloody cheap! In malaysia, one piece is sold at MYR 4 which is about 50-60RS. Imagine the profit these shop fellas are making! I always have this feeling that my face feels so empty if i don't have that tiny black dot in between my eyebrows. Apparently unmarried women wears black one and married ones wears a read one. I am pretty sure this is some olden days thinggie. That's it. Just felt like blogging about this. Yes, i know i am so random :-)

I've loved you for a thosand years.

Heartbeats fast, Colours and promises, How to be brave? How can I love when I’m afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone, All my doubts suddenly goes, away somehow, one step closer I’ve died everyday waiting for you, Darling don’t be afraid I’ve loved you, For a thousand years, I love you for a thousand more. Time stand stills, Beauty in all she is, I will be brave, I will not let anything take away, What’s standing in front of me, Every breath, Every hour has come to this, One step closer, I’ve died everyday waiting for you, Darling don’t be afraid I’ve loved you, For a thousand years, I love you for a thousand more. And all along I believed I would find you, Time has brought your heart to me, I’ve loved you for a thousand years, I love you for a thousand more. I’ve died everyday waiting for you, Darling don’t be afraid I’ve loved you, For a thousand years, I love you for a thousand more! * Listen to every word of th

Hello 2013

Bye 2012. You taught me a lot. Will definitely take the lessons i learnt :) So, did you start 2013 with a bang? Ha ha ha! Not that bang ok. Don't think dirty! So, i was in werners, changkat last night for the countdown. We opened a bottle (Chivas) and no, i wasn't drunk. HA! I actually don't have much resolutions. I just go with the flow. But i do have one or two, perhaps. So, this is a quick post to wish all you awesome people Happy New Year ! Let only the positive energy flow around you. Ignore those negative ones. :-)