
Showing posts from January, 2017

Sadhguru In Malaysia

I was just standing meters away from him. So much of energy in him.  Ok this is my first time sitting and watching his talk show life. If I am not mistaken this is his first time in Malaysia as well. For the past one year I have been watching his videos and I must say it did make me feel better and it was an eye opener for me.  I have no regrets and complaints attending his show. In fact, I will definitely attend his future shows. After watching clips of his Isha Foundation in India, I am definitely going to make a trip there one day! For Sure. Also, on a particular celebration like Maha Shivrathri. My god. What a celebration. From the video clips shown itself i was so teary. It is a must and i will celebrate Maha Shivrathri there one fine day.  Anyway Sadhguru for me a modern guru. A guru that i want and was looking for. Not a word about religion or going to temple. Or even fasting. Also, I am very happy that I bought his Inner Engineering book yesterday at the show. I wi

Dear 2017

Dear 2017, I have tons of plans for you. Exciting and challenging ones. 2016 was good as well. Took a few very very very important decisions in life. A turning point for me. I am glad i did the right things. Now, 2017 is all about self improvement. Along the way, i am sure some bumps will appear but this time i am mentally ready for the bumps. Dear 2017, you will be an awesome year for me. I have already decided it to be like that and it will. :-) Cheers Everyone. Have a Blessed year ahead!