
Hello people! Blogging after ages and it feels good :-) Was kind of busy with uni and work. But no matter how busy i am, i will never leave twitter. Ha ha ha!

So, how was your diwali? Mine was good. As the usual the yummy spicy indian food was the best. And not to forget fireworks. What is diwali without it na? haha! Also, my 15 days India trip is nearing. I am so excited for it. Weeeeeee! Need to start packing soon. And apparently when the world comes to an end, i will be in Goa. HA! Do you guys actually believe the world is really coming to an end? Well, probably something bad will happen like some natural disaster or something but i doubt it that the world would actually come to an end.

We shall just wait and see. Less than a month more :-P 


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