The Dowry Bride

The Dowry Bride is my current read. I am just half way trough it. The book revolves about the issue of dowries which i believe is a huge problem in India. Thankfully, i don't see any brides getting burnt alive or murdered in Malaysia (touch-wood) because of dowry problems in any of the local newspapers.

But i must say that this is a very serious problem. I don't see why the groom insist on receiving dowries. Don't you think, it's like the groom's side are buying the bride and the bride's side are selling off the daughter? It is a mindset that you cannot marry your daughter without dowry? Or is it the " i must marry someone with the package" attitude? It is a marriage. You can't buy love! I love watching satyamev jayate. I watch it on you-tube because we don't have the channel in Malaysia. It was so sad to see several brides being tortured just because of this dowry issue. And in some families, the bride's parents committed suicide because they couldn't pay the dowry to the groom's family as promised.

In my opinion, i think this dowry system should be prohibited and restricted in all Indian families. Let the bride's side give what they can or what the want. Don't demand! 


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