And then she woke up

An evening walk by the beach with sounds of the waves. An evening she always wanted with him. His touch, his smell, his presence, his voice still lingers around her. He was the only one that mattered to her. She was head over heels with him. She always wonder what will her life be without him? Is she better off without him? All those thoughts gave her sleepless nights. But the joy she gets when he is around her is priceless. He made her a better person. Of all the people she had meet, he is the only one she was attached too. Suddenly reality hit her really hard. He was too good for her. Will he actually fall in love with me she thought? She was just an ordinary girl. No one can love me she thought.

***Pat at the back*** . She turned and he was there.

He: Just came?
She: Yes
He: Let's walk by the beach. 

They walked and walked with waves hitting them. watching the clear water kiss the sands. She was on top of the world with the man she loved the most, watching the sunset. What else I can ask for she thought?

She: What's the occasion? You said you wanted to talk
He: Patience girl. You will eventually know. 

They kept on walking until she saw a small canopy with beautiful decorations and soothing background music.

He: Sit. Let's have dinner. 

Her thoughts took over her again. What was he trying to do? Did he fell for her? Cannot be she thought.

He: I have known you for a couple of years now and every time i see you, i fall in love with you again and again. I fell for you the very first time i saw you. You are different among the rest. Your eyes speaks a thousand words. I don't know if you feel the same but I LOVE YOU (on his knees)

She was shocked thinking is this really happening to me. She just stood silently for a couple of minutes.

She: *In tears* of course i love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

***The alarm rang and she woke up***

She was living in denial. The perfect dream she had. Everything was still so fresh. The memories. Everything. She wish she could just sleep forever. She smiled at herself. For that brief period she felt like she was alive again. Like she was in love again.


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