Makeup #1 [EYES]: 2-in-1 impact shadow liner

Ok, since  have so many eyeliners, i decided to start blogging about it. One by one. This is my first post. You see, i am girl :-P. This 2-in-1 impact shadow liner is from maybelline. I am very fussy about my eyeliners, i don't like my eyeliner to smudge. Some eyeliners fades off my water line after a couple of hours. So, i do hardcore experiment with so many eyeliners and kajals and kohl :-)

This 2-in-1 does not fade off. It stays all day long for me. It smudges just a bit but it is not noticeable at all. And the colour is really intense. Love how it defines my eye. But it really depends on individual if this eyeliner suits them. This eyeliner is available in guardian and watsons. It is just RM15.75 which is pretty affordable. That's it for now, will post my next one soon :-)

Rating: 4.5/5


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