She woke up and it is the same.

*** This post has nothing to do me. It is just an illussion***

***She, who had everything being spoon fed from day one sometimes wish she had gone through certain struggles in life. She wished she wasn't granted whatever that she wanted. She wished she wasn't given all the priorities. She had life under her foot so easy. She had the freedom to choose and do whatever she wants. From being able to choose almost everything with no limits. She chose her career. She chose her roam-all-day-around life. She chose which country/destination of holidays she wanted.  

She led a worry-free life until she realized living all this easy/stress-free life all this while is becoming a slow poison to her. As she grew older, she is finding it difficult to digest that she probably have no control of her life. She wasn't given the attention and care that she really wanted from the world.  She felt the world was being cruel to her but reality is that is the way the world is now. She had gone against people who told her to change for her betterment but as usual she took things for granted. She could not digest rejection, betrayal, and so on. All she could do know is just hope and try to fit into the circle. She had not much choice left. It feels like her own fairy-tale world is falling apart and all she could do is watch. She just hope that she had been thought to go through certain struggles of life at a younger age, Well, it is never too late but that lump in her throat is just too much to bare*** She slept and wished for all this to be dream until she woke up the next day. 


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