Reflections Of A Man

Well, ordered this book online and it got delivered to me few weeks later. Surprisingly, this is the only book that i am holding on for so long. I don't have the heart to finish this book in one go. So i promised my self just a few pages each day. :-) I am in total awe with with book and how the writer beautifully penned it all down. Some of his quotes that caught me:

  • If you would only try to see things from her perspective. If you would just stop talking for one minute and simply listen. Don''t just listen to answer, listen to understand her.
  • she's been lied to, cheated on and had her heart broken by a man she's given years of her life to. He stepped on her love, violated her trust and disrespected her. After all that, who can blame her for questioning the intentions of  a man she just met? 
  • She wants to give in to you; mind, body and soul. All she needs from you is the assurance that you won't make her regret it in the end.
  • It is okay. It's okay for you to miss him. It's okay for you to feel angry. It's okay for you to feel sad and even to cry. It's okay. It's okay for you to wonder whether or not you made the right decision. It's okay.
  • one of the biggest mistake you could make is to cause the woman you love to feel like the can't talk to you.


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