Your are Answerable to Yourself

Being a girl who always puts others before herself, it was really not easy. Often I ask myself why do i look down on myself like this. Why do i find myself answering people who did not appreciate me. Yet, why do i give in every singe time. Do they really make a big difference in my life that i have to lower my pride to have them? Going through this whole process seems like a battle. Well, a battle that s absolutely normal for a mid twenties year old girl. Yes, It is natural and absolutely normal. And i came to a point that i am not going down to that level again. It was always my life and my decision. Lately, i find myself being forced to do what i didn't like. Why complain if you don't like it. Just quit. Just drop everything down that's ruining you. At the end of the day, you will be walking through this journey of life alone and along the way you will find people that will understand the road you took. Why bother explaining the road taken to mentally sick people?


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