Feed Your Skin: Jeju Sparkling Mineral Skin #INNISFREE

I realize the importance toner quite late. All this while (before using innisfree products), face wash and moisturizer was my only skincare products. After researching about Korean skincare, i realize how important is that golden 10 step skincare regime. I admit, sometimes it gets into me that my 10 skincare steps can take me up to one hour to complete. (Not even Joking)

This Jeju Sparkling Mineral skin is bae. I apply this after using my face wash and i love how it made my skin look. My skin feels so fresh and i can see some glow as well. I used this twice a day. In the morning and night before hitting the sack. I pour few drops the toner on my palm instead of directly pouring it into my facial cotton. and i damp my facial cotton from the toner on my palm. (Works better for me this way)

RM 80.00
This toner is totally a value for your money. Bought it for RM 80.00 and it lasted me for 7 months. So, i am investing about RM11.40 a month for this toner and it is totally worth it! (Accountant Brains, so had to do this calculation :-P )

But unfortunately, Innisfree Malaysia discontinued this Jeju Sparkling range and once this finished, i had to purchase a toner from a different range. Apparently this range wasn't doing so well here. Anyway, Innisfree skincare products are love. So cheers to Innisfree and Korean Skincare. 


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