
Showing posts from January, 2015

Make up #4 [LIPS]: Lakme 9-5 Aqua Shine Lip Color in Garnet

Hey ladies, this my first post and review on lakme's lip colour and I have quite a number of lakme's range of lip colour to blog about. One at a time ok? I love the packaging of Lakme's 9-5 aqua shine lip colour. It comes in the shape of a pen. RM 29.90  First look, I did not like the colour at all. I felt it was too dark for me. But then the promoter told me to just try it on. No harm in trying, so I did. I instantly fell in love with the colour. I love how it suits my skin. I am very fussy about my lip colours. Especially red. Some shade can make you look like a whore. But this no! Totally in love with this lip colour. This is how the colour looks on me. It is not so clear though. Sorry! Furthermore, the lip colour is long lasting as well. Even after having  a meal, the colour stays. There is no need for touch ups. yay! But be very careful when applying this. The sides of the lips can smear easily. It is better to use a lip brush. Rating: 4.8/5

Make up #3 [EYES]: Lakme absolute kohl ultimate

Hey ladies! Good news for all Lakme fans in Malaysia. Lakme is now available in Guardian stores. WOHOOOOOO! Today I am going to review this Lakme absolute kohl ultimate . I bought mine from India and ever since I was using it with care. I made sure I used it only for important occasions. LOL.  However, now It is called kohl ultimate  kajal. It used to be just kohl ultimate . RM 53.90 It is a bit pricey though. Obviously because of tax and all that shit. but but It is totally worth it. I am so comfortable with it that i will definitely repurchase it again and again. The packaging does not come with a sharpener (the old one does). The colour s very intense and with just one stroke it is dark. It is smudge proof and it stays all day long. That is what i love about it. Eyeliners normally don't last long on my water line but this does. So bye bye to the touch ups! :-) The only disadvantage is, it is pricey and not affordable for everyone.But totally worth the purchase! Also, i

And she waits patiently

Have you ever felt so disappointed and down before that no matter how much you try to bounce back, you fail? You felt like there's no one else you can trust so much when that one person whom you trust the most betrays you? The promises that they made just flew like that within seconds. You find a wall built around yourself, a wall built by you. You just lost trust in everything and everyone everyone. It's hard for you to trust another one when you yourself don't know what really you want. It's like you're in between, don't know which path to take from here. Answers to your questions are not being answered. You're just standing there, in the middle of the woods and screaming, hoping for one last time you could meet that person who broke all you trust. To ask that person for answers that has been ruining your sleep every night? To just scream your whole heart to that person. To tell that person that you just need to meet them once, just once. To get all my ans

New year, New you.

Happy New year everyone! Hope you guys had an awesome one. This new year i realised so many things. I realised that it is ok to be mean at times. It is ok to treat people the way they treat you. It is ok to make mistakes. It is ok to let go of things. It is ok to walk out of things that is pulling you down. It is ok to fall down. It is ok to cry. It is ok to be emotional. It is ok to move on.  Life goes on. The harder you to try to get things under control, the complicated it becomes and there are  high chances for it to become out of control. Just felt like posting it. I just realised that is it ok to be down, to fall down and the get up stronger than ever. Well, the process of getting up stronger might be difficult but it is not impossible. So, that's it. Until I blog next. Have a fun year ahead peeps!