New year, New you.

Happy New year everyone! Hope you guys had an awesome one. This new year i realised so many things. I realised that it is ok to be mean at times. It is ok to treat people the way they treat you. It is ok to make mistakes. It is ok to let go of things. It is ok to walk out of things that is pulling you down. It is ok to fall down. It is ok to cry. It is ok to be emotional. It is ok to move on.

 Life goes on. The harder you to try to get things under control, the complicated it becomes and there are  high chances for it to become out of control. Just felt like posting it. I just realised that is it ok to be down, to fall down and the get up stronger than ever. Well, the process of getting up stronger might be difficult but it is not impossible. So, that's it. Until I blog next. Have a fun year ahead peeps!


  1. Keep life good to good ppl bastard to is to make us a better person and not a bitter person

  2. Move on is the mantra of life......nobOdy cares a shit except ur near and dear ones!


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