
Showing posts from 2012


Kuala Lumpur ==> Calcutta ==> Delhi ==> Jaipur ==> Phuskar ==> Udaipur ==> Mumbai ==> Goa ==> Calcutta ==> Kuala Lumpur. So, these are the places that i went to during my 15 days India tour. We went through Holiday India a tour agent. It was all except for calcutta and we got cheated a few times. Especially the last day and that made us so angry and we have decided to lodge a complain to the Malaysian and Indian high commission. Ok, leave that aside. Let me start with Calcutta. Landed there on 11th December at about 7pm local time. It was very cold and i always thought that India is hot country. We could not do much the because we were all tired. Then in Delhi, It was very cold too.Shopping was good there and less honks too. Prices of the goods are quite cheap then what we have in Malaysia. I like Delhi and yes, i will come back. Yay Delhi! In Rajasthan ( jaipur, phuskar and udaipur) it was not very cold except for phuskar. And the place was very dirty

Women, the best creation of god

Woman. What comes to your mind when you hear the word woman? Some of you may see a woman in a different perspective. Sexually, perhaps?  Why do most of us look down on women? We often criticize woman. Have you heard of any man getting raped and killed? Or kidnapped? No right?  You have a wife, mother, daughter and a sister who is a woman. How can you rape or sexually torture another woman? Aren't they a wife/mother/daughter/sister to someone else as well? Some men should be thought on how to respect woman. I can strongly say that women are the best creation of god.


Hello people! Blogging after ages and it feels good :-) Was kind of busy with uni and work. But no matter how busy i am, i will never leave twitter. Ha ha ha! So, how was your diwali? Mine was good. As the usual the yummy spicy indian food was the best. And not to forget fireworks. What is diwali without it na? haha! Also, my 15 days India trip is nearing. I am so excited for it. Weeeeeee! Need to start packing soon. And apparently when the world comes to an end, i will be in Goa. HA! Do you guys actually believe the world is really coming to an end? Well, probably something bad will happen like some natural disaster or something but i doubt it that the world would actually come to an end. We shall just wait and see. Less than a month more :-P 

Floral nail

My first time trying floral nails and it turned out to be as how i expected it to be. Yay! :-D I used 3 different colours. As usual apply your base coat. Then apply two coats of any colour of your choice. I used dark grey. Got it from etude. Leave it to dry for about 2-3 minutes. After that, use a hair clip or pin or anything with a small round base and just draw the flower accordingly. You can use any colour of your choice.

Newspaper nail

It looks difficult but trust me, it is not! First, apply your base coat. Then paint your nails white (two coats) and make sure your nails are completely dry. Then, cut about 10 square (small) newspaper with wordings of course. After that, dip either your nail or the newspaper into the water and immediately press it firmly onto your nails. Keep on pressing it for about 1 minute. After you remove the paper from your nail, do not touch your nails! I repeat do not touch your nail! The wordings will fade. So, immediately apply top coat.  Repeat this step for your other nails :-)

Forever 21

My Birthday cake. Phew!! Finally, i am there. I now can enter all the clubs and casino :-P Turned 21 last Friday. It was just a small one with family members and friends. We had drinks of course. How can my party not have drinks? :-P and my whole family calls me a kudikari now *facepalm*. Also, i actually asked my parents if i can turn 21 every year. LOL! I really liked the gift i receive for my birthday. It was all beautiful :-) Cheers to adulthood! Cheers to the new beginning! :-)

Pre Birthday party

Vodka cranberry! Flaming Lamborghini! My gang had this pre birthday party for me on Saturday (18th August) In temptations, Changkat. I chose the place as kinda off like the place. Been there before and i feel after werners, Temptations is the best! Majority of the crowds are indians but they're are not the karat indians. At the start, they were asking me to bottoms up a few vodka cranberry. I felt so bloated after that. Went to the toilet a few times to release them! LOL. As usual, we went to dance few times as well. Then, the jokers bought me flaming lamborghini. My first time drinking that! I like the mint taste of it but i don't like it when u inhale the flam. It burns inside. After about 10-15 minutes, i puked! *facepalm* I puked on one of my friend. Pity him. lol! Then, i was OK when i was given lime and sweet. I wasn't drunk, i was just tipsy. I mean i don't turn 21 every year! :-) Also, we had a mini drama with the bouncer! Brrrrrrr!  Conclusion:

Confused? Anxious? Excited?

How was your experience turning 21? Were you excited or anxious? People say when you turn 21, you got to be independent and bla bla bla. But c'mon anyone born in an indian family can only be independent once you start working (finish your education) or when you get married! yes! It is a fact. No matter how modern your family can be, the roots will still be there. I am already feeling the pressure. I am not a little girl anymore ( would love to just remain as daddy's little girl) and i've to accept that fact. Every girls 21st Birthday is special. They would want that particular birthday of hers to stand out. And it not easy to plan a birthday party, especially a 21st birthday party! The cake, menu, drinks and so on! Currently, i am choosing my cake. Hope to get it finalized by next weekend. Conclusion: what do i feel? CONFUSED, ANXIOUS AND EXCITED at the same time!

Confessions Of A Dieter

Do you remember the first time you decided to go on diet? How did it go? and what made you to be on diet? And how well did you do throughout the process? I still remember how difficult it was for me.  I am not a person who loves to eat vegetables. So, going on a diet was pretty hard for me. I somehow managed to pull it off, with a lot of encouragements and a strong will power. I started with reducing rice. Instead, i starting taking brown rice. First time, i struggled as i was too used to eating white rice and not brown rice but after a couple of days i got into it. Now, if you ask me white or brown I will say brown! :) If you're on my Facebook you can see the results.  It was and is (Still on the diet. One cannot stop completely from a diet) never easy. Seeing your friends eating yummy foods and there you are, eating a plate full of salads. But trust me, at the end, the result will be awesome.  All your hard work will pay off!  The joy you get when you can fit all your ol

Beauty Or Personality?

Beauty or Personality? Which one do you prefer? Well, i did a small research online and majority said that they will go for beauty or looks rather than personality. Why do some of you go for the looks? Looks will diminish over a period of time but the personality stays. Take for example, two women, one not so pretty with a great personality, the other very good looking who's personality is down the drain. One may have the looks but eventually both of their looks will diminish with age. Now who's the beautiful one? Or more like who has been beautiful all along? I've experienced something similar like this. Some time back, i was kind of plump and chubby and that was when i went for my 1st date. I didn't really knew this guy, just saw him a few times when i was doing my pre university programme. My friend suggested this and so i thought to my self, it is about time and i should just give it a try. To be honest, he was kind of cute and handsome and then it is me,

The World Through A Virgo

Do you believe in horoscopes? Well, I do but not 100% of it. Some of it are true though. My birth of date is 31 August so that makes me a Virgo soul :) Let me share some stuffs about Virgonians. 1) Virgo's are very picky in most of the things. I am :) They want every thing the do to be perfect. Let it be shopping, work or even finding a partner, they want it all to be tip topped.If you notice, most of the Virgos do not engage themselves in numerous relationships. They have very few lovers throughout their lives but when a Virgo falls in love, they will be head over heels with that person. 2) Virgo's are also straight thinkers and solve problems logically. Virgo's loves when people tell them their problems and a Virgo will actually try to solve them. In other words Virgos would be a great psychologist. They are truthful, loyal and determined. 3) Virgo's are very emotional. They have quite a number of dark secrets or dark sides and they will only share them

Kama Sutra: A Tale Of Love

What was the first thing that came into your mind when you read the title of this post? Sex? Yes, I thought the same too. You're not the only one. Well, it is because we all think Kama Sutra is just plain sex. It is not! Kama Sutra is a way of expressing your love. It is an Indian book of love. It is actually a movie (1996) by Mira Nair. Most of us judge a book by its cover, don't we? I thought this movie was going to be another movie with a lot of obscene and sexual scenes. I was wrong! This movie actually brought love to a whole new level, for me. This movie is all about love, love and love!  The movie reveals about two young girl, Maya and Tara who grew up together. Tara is the princess while Maya is the maiden in this movie. Tara gets married to the local prince, Raj Singh, who soon succeeds the throne as the sole heir. After the marriage, Raj gets bored of Tara and starts seeking for another female to satisfy his sexual needs. In fact, He had sex the night before h