Confessions Of A Dieter

Do you remember the first time you decided to go on diet? How did it go? and what made you to be on diet? And how well did you do throughout the process? I still remember how difficult it was for me. 

I am not a person who loves to eat vegetables. So, going on a diet was pretty hard for me. I somehow managed to pull it off, with a lot of encouragements and a strong will power. I started with reducing rice. Instead, i starting taking brown rice. First time, i struggled as i was too used to eating white rice and not brown rice but after a couple of days i got into it. Now, if you ask me white or brown I will say brown! :) If you're on my Facebook you can see the results. 

It was and is (Still on the diet. One cannot stop completely from a diet) never easy. Seeing your friends eating yummy foods and there you are, eating a plate full of salads. But trust me, at the end, the result will be awesome.  All your hard work will pay off! 

The joy you get when you can fit all your old clothes again. The joy you get when your size is available. The joy you get when people tell you that you lost so much of weight. Yes, that joy! It is priceless!


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