Pre Birthday party

Vodka cranberry!

Flaming Lamborghini!

My gang had this pre birthday party for me on Saturday (18th August) In temptations, Changkat. I chose the place as kinda off like the place. Been there before and i feel after werners, Temptations is the best! Majority of the crowds are indians but they're are not the karat indians. At the start, they were asking me to bottoms up a few vodka cranberry. I felt so bloated after that. Went to the toilet a few times to release them! LOL. As usual, we went to dance few times as well. Then, the jokers bought me flaming lamborghini. My first time drinking that! I like the mint taste of it but i don't like it when u inhale the flam. It burns inside. After about 10-15 minutes, i puked! *facepalm* I puked on one of my friend. Pity him. lol! Then, i was OK when i was given lime and sweet. I wasn't drunk, i was just tipsy. I mean i don't turn 21 every year! :-) Also, we had a mini drama with the bouncer! Brrrrrrr! 

Conclusion: I enjoyed myself to the max! Thanks once again for the treat guys :-)


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