Beauty Or Personality?

Beauty or Personality? Which one do you prefer? Well, i did a small research online and majority said that they will go for beauty or looks rather than personality. Why do some of you go for the looks? Looks will diminish over a period of time but the personality stays. Take for example, two women, one not so pretty with a great personality, the other very good looking who's personality is down the drain. One may have the looks but eventually both of their looks will diminish with age. Now who's the beautiful one? Or more like who has been beautiful all along?

I've experienced something similar like this. Some time back, i was kind of plump and chubby and that was when i went for my 1st date. I didn't really knew this guy, just saw him a few times when i was doing my pre university programme. My friend suggested this and so i thought to my self, it is about time and i should just give it a try. To be honest, he was kind of cute and handsome and then it is me, not so good looking back then (I admit it). The date was a bit awkward for me as it was my first time. It went on ok. We went for breakfast, played pool, lunch and so on. We were having our lunch and that is when he indirectly said that "i don't talk to ugly girls" The moment i heard that, I really wanted to break down. I mean you don't talk to a girl like that. At that time i knew this guy is a pervert. He is good looking but his personality sucks! That was my first and last time going on blind date (sort of). And after that i never met him, don't want to either! 

Girls, if a guy is with you just because of your looks, dump him straight away. What will he do once you starting aging? once you get wrinkles all over your face? Once all those pimples pop out? yes, he might find another one. Moral of the story: personality stays. A good personality will automatically make you beautiful.


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