The girl in High Heels?

Just a random post about how I came up with my blog name. The Girl With High Heels. I wanted a blog name that will suit and describe me. I love high heels and I have a huge collection of high heels at home. Wearing a high heel can relate to our (women) everyday lives. It is not easy to walk in high heels or dance with high heels when you are in a club. Not every woman can rock it. High heels may be uncomfortable to use for long hours but kudos! to use women who deals with it. At work, at parties. Everywhere! Wearing high heels is like life. It maybe hard in the beginning but as you see the road coming to an end, it will be worthwhile! That's it for now. Just felt like blogging this. Stay tuned for more make up review ladies! Muah!


  1. High heels are not good for your spine!!!!! It put extra burden on your back..........rethink... Otherwise during your pregnancy..... U will have problems!!! Remember your body is your temple....learn to worship 😄

    1. Too used to high heels that I feel so comfy in it. Probably it's time I get more flats!


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