
Showing posts from 2016

Chennai 2016

This is a long overdue post :-P Went to Chennai in May for shopping. Least did we expect that we will be going to Chennai to shop for my brother's wedding. That plan wasn't even on our minds. It just happen unexpectedly and all of a sudden. This is my second trip to India but my first trip to south India. Covered North India when i went there first. This trip was mainly for shopping. So we booked a hotel nearby T Nagar. 5 minute drive. All we did during our 5 days Chennai trip was shop. We would enjoy our hotel breakfast in the morning, then shop, then lunch, then shop again, then dinner and back to the hotel.  The weather was terribly hot but that did not stop us shopaholics :-P You actually get very good deals and choices too. Obviously, the exchange rate made a huge difference. I went crazy seeing all those sarees and suits. I thought it was really a waste of money to fly all the way to Chennai to get sarees. But i was wrong. Apart from shopping, we did visited some near

Make up #16 [Lips]: L'Oreal Paris Star Red Collection => Pure Rouge

Ever since this range of red lip colours came out, I was eyeing for it. But sadly this range is not available in Malaysia. So during my recent trip to India, this was a MUST PURCHASE in my list. I was contemplating between Freida''s Pure Rouge and Sonam's Pure garnet. However, Aishwarya's Pure Brick did not suit me. I did try all 7 seven shades. And yes, the salesgirl was extremely friendly and helpful. I am red addict and finally i decided to take pure rouge. P/S: Now, I regretted, Should have taken pure rouge and pure garnet :-P This is how the colour looks. Picture a bit blur. Sorry. But it is one of those red lip colour that i will only use on my date nights :-P It is long lasting. Lasted even after meal and drinks. There is no need t even touch up. It really brings out the woman in you. Kudos to Star Red Collection. Definitely a yes for a repurchase, I probably need to fly to India to repurchase this :-P but it is totally worth the cash. Price: 995 INR. I

Your are Answerable to Yourself

Being a girl who always puts others before herself, it was really not easy. Often I ask myself why do i look down on myself like this. Why do i find myself answering people who did not appreciate me. Yet, why do i give in every singe time. Do they really make a big difference in my life that i have to lower my pride to have them? Going through this whole process seems like a battle. Well, a battle that s absolutely normal for a mid twenties year old girl. Yes, It is natural and absolutely normal. And i came to a point that i am not going down to that level again. It was always my life and my decision. Lately, i find myself being forced to do what i didn't like. Why complain if you don't like it. Just quit. Just drop everything down that's ruining you. At the end of the day, you will be walking through this journey of life alone and along the way you will find people that will understand the road you took. Why bother explaining the road taken to mentally sick people?

Your Shoes, You Decide

Have you ever felt so down before that all you want is to be just alone. You just want to stay silence. It takes two side to clap but it is only you who are clapping and the other party is not. But the truth lies right in front of you, why do you secretly wish for it to be as the way u want it to be. Why do you cheat yourself? Why do you hurt yourself? Knowing you are not wanted anymore but you still try to convince yourself that you are wanted. Why do you hurt yourself like this? For small things that should not matter. People change, everything changes. You are walking in your own shoes, only you know how it feels.

Aura White

This collagen drink does wonder to your skin. One of my friend recommended me this and i was consuming this collagen drink for almost a year without fail.You will be given a shaker and a toner. I did see a difference in my skin tone. It was fresher and brighter. I would recommend you girls to try this collagen drink. But this should be continuously consumed if you want to see the results. You cannot just consume if for a month and then just ignore it. It defeats the purpose. Then Aura White came up with their Gold series. I shifted from this to aura white gold.  I was consuming this for 2 months and during that 2 months it did double wonders to my skin. Everyone said my skin looks glowing. When i bought my 3rd bottle for the third month, the powder inside was so hard. Tried smashing it. Tried cutting the whole bottle and all but it all failed. The powder was just too hard and i had to throw the whole bottle away. However, i did message the lady i bought this from and sent her a

Make up #15 [Eyes]: Lakme Eyeconic Kajal in Green

Hey, back to review my favourite makeup brand! I don't know I am the only one who feels that the Lakme eyeconic kajal in green is blue in colour? Am I? I find the Blue one is too dark and this green shade is just the perfect blue. I have all Lakme eyeconic colours except for brown. Again i feel that their brown is too dark. The staying power is just the same as all their eyeconic range. The only thing is it looks like blue and not green for me. Ratings and reviews are the same :-)

Reflections Of A Man

Well, ordered this book online and it got delivered to me few weeks later. Surprisingly, this is the only book that i am holding on for so long. I don't have the heart to finish this book in one go. So i promised my self just a few pages each day. :-) I am in total awe with with book and how the writer beautifully penned it all down. Some of his quotes that caught me: If you would only try to see things from her perspective. If you would just stop talking for one minute and simply listen. Don''t just listen to answer, listen to understand her. she's been lied to, cheated on and had her heart broken by a man she's given years of her life to. He stepped on her love, violated her trust and disrespected her. After all that, who can blame her for questioning the intentions of  a man she just met?  She wants to give in to you; mind, body and soul. All she needs from you is the assurance that you won't make her regret it in the end. It is okay. It's

You are the creamer in my coffee

You used to be my favorite creamer. I used to earn for your taste in my coffee. Now, i am starting to wonder if I should just stick with my coffee without creamer. Just plain. Just black. My coffee used to be bitter like that. but nevertheless it was really tasty. With creamer now, it is a little sweeter but not as tasty as before. Or maybe i should change my creamer. But what if i change it and it taste the same. Or worst maybe? What do i do with my coffee then? Sometimes it is better off without the creamer. Dark as hell. Pure as love.

She woke up and it is the same.

*** This post has nothing to do me. It is just an illussion*** ***She, who had everything being spoon fed from day one sometimes wish she had gone through certain struggles in life. She wished she wasn't granted whatever that she wanted. She wished she wasn't given all the priorities. She had life under her foot so easy. She had the freedom to choose and do whatever she wants. From being able to choose almost everything with no limits. She chose her career. She chose her roam-all-day-around life. She chose which country/destination of holidays she wanted.   She led a worry-free life until she realized living all this easy/stress-free life all this while is becoming a slow poison to her. As she grew older, she is finding it difficult to digest that she probably have no control of her life. She wasn't given the attention and care that she really wanted from the world.  She felt the world was being cruel to her but reality is that is the way the world is now. She had go

Make Up #14 [EYES]: Lakme Eyeconic Kajal in White

I was skeptical about white eyeliners. Never i have owned one nor used them on my eyes. Until the very last moment (before purchasing it) I was having second thoughts. It is 20 Bucks man! ( Yes, I am like that) I can be really very careful with how,what and how much I am spending. Before getting myself to actually consider getting a white eyeliner, I goggled up everything about white eyeliners and bam! I thought, let's give it a try. Now, I am not regretting it at all! Lakme's eyeconic white kajal makes my eye looks brighter, clearly from a distance, And the white kajal blends in perfectly with black and blue kajal (Never try it with brown kajals). Apply on your lower lid before applying a black or blue kajal, it defines your eyes better! And the staying power is just as good as the black and blue Lakme eyeconic kajal.  P/S: You also use it as an eyeshadow! RM 17.61