Inconsiderate Humans

I went to temple today and as usual after the pooja finishes, food will be served. And as usual the queue was very long. I was queueing for my turn (I love temple food and would not wanna miss it! and the sambar saadham from this temple is so awesome!!!)  and then suddenly a mid-aged woman was just standing beside me reading a book (with sanskrit words). She was just quietly reading and slowly she cut the queue, standing in front of me. Without a word or permission, she just cut the line. Just like that! I don't not mind letting you in front of me woman but seriously have some courtesy to just say a word. If it wasn't for me being very hungry and i wanted to grab the nasi lemak (It finishes fast) i would have sounded her! Would have given her a piece of my mind. Something inside me told me not to start a drama there. LOL! Knowing me, i would have created a drama. It is not that I won't give her a place in front of me. The issue here is have the courtesy to say "excuse me I am very hungry, can I queue here", I would have not said no. 

Few months back, the same temple, this time an elderly woman, came in front of me and said I am in a hurry, can i queue here please and I said yes, of course! (I din't know if she was genuine, but i was) That should be the way, not just cut the line out of no where! 


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