
Showing posts from 2014

It is that time of the year again

I always look forward for Diwali and christmas. Always! When i was a kid i made sure that i put up a christmas tree every year without fail until it broke and apparently that year i was very naughty so my parents decided to not get me a new christmas tree :-/ but anyhow, I always loved christmas. Deepavali is two weeks away. YAY! What comes to your mind when you hear Diwali? For me it is spending time with loved ones. And also shopping and FOOD!!! There will be so many Diwali bazaars all around and I will go cuckoo. Currently, i don't know why but I am addicted to anarkilis. Everywhere i go, the first thing I will look for is anarkilis.  When i was a kid, i will go crazy for fire crackers as well and i will force my dad to get all the crackers. I still do play with fire crackers btw but not as crazy as before. LOL ....I am more addicted to shopping now :-P If you give the choice, I will go to every bazaar and get all the anarkilis there. HA HA HA. But no I have a budget to fol

Make up #2 [EYES]: The Colossal Kajal

Maybelline So, my second post about eyeliners. Í spotted this in Watsons at Mid Valley, and I immediately bought me. Yes, the typical me. I have always loved to use Lakme products. It suits me very well but unfortunately it is pretty hard to get it here so i ventured a few brands. After using Maybelline 2-in-1 shadow impact I started to like Maybelline as well. But this colossal kajal is indeed a disappointment for me. It does not stay as long as 12 hours as they claimed it to be. After a couple of hours it started to fade off, it didn't smudge though. However, i like the cream black colour of this eyeliner, it is so smooth but NO, not a good product to invest in. It is in stores for MYR19.90. After this eyeliner finishes, I am definitely not getting this anymore. Then again, the colossal kajal didn't last long for me, it might for you. Depends on the individual. For me, it is a no for the colossal kajal. Rating: 2.5/5 How I wish I can get Lakme Absolute Range here.

Sri Lanka 2014

I never thought I will be saying this now but yes! I really miss Sri Lanka and I really want to go back there. I came back a week ago. Was on a tour for 10 days. The food was just simply amazing! I went to Colombo-Anuradhapura-Jaffna-Kandy-NuwaraEliya-Katargarama-Beruwala-Colombo. The hotels were also so amazing! I stayed in Earl Regent Hotel in Kandy and i fell in love with the hotel and the food. The buffet was just mindblowing! Lucky we decided to have buffet dinner that night :-) Another place which i loved was Nuwara Eliya! It is also called as little England. It was so cold that we need to switch on the heater. I also went to several historical temples in which is stated in the Epic Ramayana. I saw the place where Seeta was forced to jump into the fire, I also saw the stream in which it is believed that Seeta bathed there. In Jaffna, due to the war that happened for 20 years, so many house were bombed and left abandon. It is so sad to see all this. My native is Jaffna and I

If you love it, You will respect it

Just stating my point of view. This is about a video which all over FB currently. No doubt that whatever message that person was trying to deliver was awesome however i didn't so like the way it was conveyed. Yes, you don't define a lady's character by judging the way she drinks or smokes. Totally agree with that.  But what really pissed me off the way she danced for that song in her classical attire/costume. Classical dance is a divine art and one should not dance like that, that too for a song which you always hear in clubs. I hope your guru sees this video of you, she/he would probably sack you from her dance school.  Also, in the video she stated that everyone's calling her a bitch and whore (because of her previous video) and she said that she couldn't be bothered what people think of her. Then why come up with a video like this? Justifying yourself to the world? Honestly, even i have heard people call me names. So is everyone else and no! we don't just ma

Makeup #1 [EYES]: 2-in-1 impact shadow liner

Maybelline Ok, since  have so many eyeliners, i decided to start blogging about it. One by one. This is my first post. You see, i am girl :-P. This 2-in-1 impact shadow liner is from maybelline. I am very fussy about my eyeliners, i don't like my eyeliner to smudge. Some eyeliners fades off my water line after a couple of hours. So, i do hardcore experiment with so many eyeliners and kajals and kohl :-) This 2-in-1 does not fade off. It stays all day long for me. It smudges just a bit but it is not noticeable at all. And the colour is really intense. Love how it defines my eye. But it really depends on individual if this eyeliner suits them. This eyeliner is available in guardian and watsons. It is just RM15.75 which is pretty affordable. That's it for now, will post my next one soon :-) Rating: 4.5/5

I am always the same person inside. Makeup is the finishing touch of everything, it expresses something.

So yeah, MAKEUP is what i am going to talk about. I have come across guys who said that if a girl wears makeup, she is ugly. Also, people have given me the look "It is just a dinner with close friends, why the makeup"? The question here is not why makeup but it is how you carry yourself in public. Do you want to be known by ''that girl, with the dull look or pale face''? or a ''girl that does not carry herself well''? Makeup defines your personality as a person. What could go wrong with a eyeliner,kohl and a lipstick? I don't understand the term of ''over makeup'' here. Guys who thinks that a girl wears makeup just to look beautiful for you, YOU ARE WRONG. We wear makeup to feel good about ourselves, to be confident in whatever we do and to look beautiful to ourselves. Our makeups expresses something about ourselves. Each and everyone of us have the right to choose to either walk out of home with or without makeup. You don&


Are you superstitious? Do you believe in it? Well, there's always a logical explanation to it but still somewhere deep down inside we still believe in it. When i was a kid, i remember my parents told me not to whistle because apparently it is bad. Also, we cannot cut our nails at night (This is believe because those days, we have limited electricity hence we might accidentally cut our finger instead if our nails) Just an assumption. Also, we were not allowed to cut our hair on Fridays. (This one i think because Friday is a holy day hence no cutting hair) I have had a hair cut on a Friday before. It is considered a bad omen when a pure black cat pass by your way. I have never experienced anything like that before *touchwood*. However, one of my friend did. Something really bad happened to her after she encountered a black cat pass in front of here. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or this black cat passing in front of you is a bad luck. Do you have any wei

To What Extend Can You Be Selfish?

Being selfish is very common these days. It is good to sometimes be selfish and all but some people are taking 'selfish-ness' to a totally different level. I have seen&heard all this happening. Well, it is nothing new. We live in an era where money talks. People give importance to money and they think they can buy the world with that. Those are the people who live a pathetic life. They downgrade those who are not up-to their level. These are the people who once lead a life like many of us, it is just that they are too blind to see it once money controlled them. They will go any extend to get their things done (I have seen this). They will also be two-faced people. I don't know why, but i have met so many human being like this. Why go so far? I even have some in my family as well. I try my best to stay away from such people as far as i can. LOL. This is just a random post. I am just so frustrated with the issues happening around me hence the post to let it go :-D

Doing it the Indian way #Beauty #Skin

So finally, i am very very very free and can blog anytime i want now :-D Left Uni after 4 years and i must tell you, it is not easy when you are attached to so many people there. So yeah, coming back to the title of this post, wanted to share my face mask/face pack ingredients with all of you. I have been using this face mask for quite sometime now (I don't only depend on this, i have my daily creams as well). This face pack is not to make your complexion fairer or whatsoever it is just to get a silky skin and a glowing complexion. It works on me and i am extremely happy with the results. You'll be needing: Sandalwood powder, Kasturi Manjal, Saffron and milk. I also used rose water. Both are fine. Choose either. Let the saffron soak in the milk for about half an hour and you will see the milk turn yellow in colour. Then add in one spoon of sandalwood and turmeric make a paste out of it. Apply around your neck and face and wash it off once it dries off. I use it once everyd

From The Anklets Of A Dancer

Salangai Pooja is a first stage performance, performed by a group or single (solo performance) by students who have learned all 108 adavus (Basic steps that all classical dancer must know) and 5-7 basic songs. (This depends on your teacher/guru/master). During Salangai pooja, prayers is done by placing the salangai in from of Lord Nadaraja to get his blessing (Any other god is also acceptable). The salangai will be tied by the dancers respective gurus and the dancers will perform live for the first time in front of thousands of audience. After the salangai pooja is completed, the dancers exit from beginner stage and proceed to advanced level to prepare themselves for arengetram.The dancers can now also start performing in stages and temples. Before the salangai pooja, dancers are not allowed to tie the salangai nor perform in front of large crowds. Costs to do a salangai pooja and arengetram depends on how grand you want it to be. Most of the dancers will do their salangai p

She Who Waits

She could remember that night where he crossed his limits. She was trying very hard not to break down but she failed. Painful words tore her apart. Despite being together for all this years, he could still not understand her. All she wanted was love. As the words came out she felt a knife poking through her heart. She could not believe that she wasn't his priority when he was hers. They needed some time apart.  "A couple of years perhaps", he said. "Fine, if that is what you want", she said. Without thinking any further she agreed everything  he said, like a fool. A fool who is head over heels with this man. And is willing to do anything. Years went by. They did keep in touch. Both of them went separate parts to fulfill their dreams. She: You know, you are still the one.  He: I still need more time. I have so many commitments. So many issues to settle. And she waits and waits. And waits. P/S: All of my posts have nothing to do with me. I

Why Does A Ceylonese Bride Wear A Veil?

So, why does a Ceylonese bride wear a veil? I myself don't know much about the tradition. I wasn't even aware of this until a few posts came up on Facebook. I don't any reason behind all the tradition that happens in a Ceylonese wedding. In a typical Ceylon wedding, the grooms sits on the manavarai (Canopy) through out the wedding. The brides comes in after the "rakshabandham" of the groom. Trust me, i don't even know what the hell is this. So apparently the bride and groom cannot see each other until he (groom) hands the bride her "Koorai" saree (wedding saree). That is the reason why a Ceylon bride wears a veil. The whole cost of the wedding falls under the bride's responsibility. Remember my earlier post about the gold melting ceremony? That is purely the responsibility of the groom's side. (Image from google search)

And then she woke up

An evening walk by the beach with sounds of the waves. An evening she always wanted with him. His touch, his smell, his presence, his voice still lingers around her. He was the only one that mattered to her. She was head over heels with him. She always wonder what will her life be without him? Is she better off without him? All those thoughts gave her sleepless nights. But the joy she gets when he is around her is priceless. He made her a better person. Of all the people she had meet, he is the only one she was attached too. Suddenly reality hit her really hard. He was too good for her. Will he actually fall in love with me she thought? She was just an ordinary girl. No one can love me she thought. ***Pat at the back*** . She turned and he was there. He: Just came? She: Yes He: Let's walk by the beach.  They walked and walked with waves hitting them. watching the clear water kiss the sands. She was on top of the world with the man she loved the most, watching the sunset. Wh